Monday, July 13, 2015

vineyards and olive orchards

After the first couple of days of the workshop had passed, I had already begun to familiarize myself with Siena and being in Italy in general. These two days were spent drawing exclusively in Siena, and the next part of the program would take us out and around other areas and towns of Tuscany. These locations were generally pretty close, about an hour long drive from Siena, and we traveled by bus. One of these places was San Gimignano, a small, medieval-like town, surrounded by rolling hills of grape vines and olive trees. We first went to paint and draw in this area, outside of the many tourists and commotion found within the city walls. This experience was amazing, as we were given the chance to wander around the fields, gathering inspiration to create our art. The whole experience would have been heightened even greater, had it not been for the cloudy, partly rainy, chilly weather. The fact that I didn't bring a jacket also made the situation more unpleasant, despite being surrounded by the beautiful Tuscan countryside. Nevertheless, the aspect of the rainy weather added to the adventure, even if it did hinder our time spent drawing outdoors.

Here's a location we visited in Siena during the morning of our second day. We tried to take advantage of these short moments of sunlight as the cloudy weather that would continue throughout the week began to set in.

The Piazza del Campo, the main plaza in Siena.

Some vineyards just outside of San Gimignano.

Another view of the endless vineyards! In this photo, you can see San Gimignano peaking out the top of the farthest hill. 

Many of our busy days would end similar to this; simply enjoying the gorgeous view of Siena from the B&B (with a glass of wine of course).

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